McKinney Vento
Nancy Baldwin
The gran monies will support our Homeless youth in connection with after school clubs ,dances, socials and even access to yearbooks. Although there is funding from the state to support McKinney Vento youth with their access to education and extracurricular athletics, transportation, support for youth to attend dances, socials, yearbook, have not been supported. The benefits of extracurriculars are important for all students, but the added stability and sense of belonging can be crucial for students experiencing homelessness, who might have more difficulty accessing activities outside of school.
In Kelso, we have nearly 125 youth in grades 6-12 who lack a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence. Approximately 15% of those youth are listed as unaccompanied youth; meaning, they are living without a parent or guardian in their life. These youth are the furthest away from equity and often feel disconnected with their schools. Life is hard for these youth and the disparities of “has and has not” is ever increasing. Our McKinney Vento and Unaccompanied Youth want nothing more than to fit in, be accepted and have someone or someplace where they feel connected.