The Kelso High School Class of 2022 was awarded 91 Scholarships totaling over $166,860. Donate NOW





“Clothe the Bears”

Andrew Lundberg
The Barnes clothing supply is mainly used to support students who have accidents while at school but is also used for general needs and spills. A grant was utilized last school year for this purpose, and it was tremendously successful. Our hope is to continue the success by re-storing our closets supply of clothing and shoes.




“Phonics Chip Kits”

Kelsey Davis
Students in Resource operate below average compared to their same-aged peers, especially in reading. Students with disabilities struggle with reading accuracy and phonemic awareness which can lead to other areas of lagging skills. Using the 95 Percent Group Phonics Chip Kit, this program will help identify specific areas in which the student has basic skills but low self-confidence that may affect their fluency and reading rate.



"Germ Busters"

Claudia Broschat
The Germ Buster project is intended to keep COVID and other germs out of our school. Rather than just telling students to wash their hands we want to teach, demonstrate, and practice proper hand washing techniques. the Grant will be used to purchase products that are applied to hands, allowed to dry, and then wash off. Students would then go about their normal routines. After a few minutes we would hold a black light over hands and workspaces to see how well they washed the "germs" away. Proper hand washing techniques would be taught with activity sheets provided with the product.



"Health Room Rainy Day Closet"

Tonya Holt
The Beacon Hill Health Room provides clean, dry clothing to students who have an accident at school or get wet/muddy on recess. This school year with Covid restrictions, they are unable to take in donated clothing, which is how they generally get all the clothing in which they can get these kids changed. the grant allows to buy clothing of various sizes to be prepared in the case a child needs clean clothes at school.



“Therapeutic Listening”

Sara Dahl
Therapeutic Listening is a sound-based intervention that is embedded in a sensory integration perspective…Because the auditory system has connections to many parts of the brain, sound is a powerful way to access the nervous system and affect changes. The students at Catlin, Beacon Hill & Wallace deserve as much support as possible to keep them engaged and learning at school and Therapeutic Listening would provide an important missing link.

Also in Catlin, Beacon Hill & Wallace Elementary




“Promoting Reading”

Christine OTT
Scholastic Storyworks will be for a third-grade classroom at Catlin. Throughout the school year, students will receive 6 full-size issues of the grade-level appropriate magazine covering both fiction and non-fiction concepts and standards. The magazine also integrates digital supplements with videos, slide shows, and read a louds to incorporate more technology experiences with the students in the classroom.

Butler Acres Elementary



“Emergency Clothing Supply”

Sarah Dahl
Each year students who have accidents at school and need a quick change of clothing to return to the classroom. In previous years, these needs have been met through donations of clothing from staff and community. This year, due to Covid restrictions we are unable to accept donations. Students will still need to change clothes occasionally at school. The grant will allow us to purchase clothes to address this need.



School Engagement Incentives

Sarah Marlow
The Butler Acres staff is very concerned about their student's level of engagement. The grant will allow them to purchase Blue Jay gear (tee-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, bracelets, socks) to reward students who are completely engaged in both in-person and online learning. Currently only have about 1/3 of our student body who is meeting the criteria each week. Engagement is defined as
1) coming to school on all in-person days,
2) completing all assigned schoolwork to the best of their ability, and
3) attending all classroom zoom meetings. If students complete these tasks each week, they will get their name put into a drawing for Blue Jay gear! ​




“Little Home Library”

Ashley Lowry
The grant will provide each student with a book a month that they could then store in a special Little Home Library bin. The goal is to foster a love of reading, provide families with a variety of books, and do this at no cost to the students or their families.



“Pedometer Power”

Karen Anderson
Wearing a pedometer and recording your daily steps is a motivating tool to increase activity, fitness, and overall health. Wallace students will have a pedometer checked out to them to take home during distance learning. Students will track and record their exercise (P.E./Math). We will work on individual goal setting and set a class goal to "step our way to Disneyland". I plan on tracking the kids' mileage by map (geography) to Disneyland. Pedometers will also be used for STEM experimentation (ex- which types of activities register the most steps?) and Running Club.



“Go Girls”

Laverne Dollarhyde
The grant will help offset the cost of supplies and instructional kits for Wallace Elementary 5th grade students to participate in a group focus on the Whole Person – Social Emotional Learning taught by teachers and counselors. The purpose of the group is to build strong bonds and to empower communities within the class.

The goal is to increase positive social relationships and reduce student anxiety (especially at the end of the year they transition to middle school). Students will receive pre & post surveys to assess self-perception of skills in the areas of Health & Hygiene, Self-Awareness, Self-Management, and Social Engagement.




Lexington STEAM 3D Printer

Laura Urhlaub
The grant will provide the equipment the Lexington STEAM class needs to develop their students' 21st century skills in an innovative learning environment driven by inquiry, collaboration, creative and critical thinking, and academic success in preparation for college, career, and community readiness.

The mission is to provide an optimal STEAM learning environment so that students, staff, and community can be provided with the opportunity to soar towards fulfilling their dreams and goals by working, learning, and achieving together. The goal of having the 3D printer is to allow students to bring to life their collaborative ideas.  It will open doors to conversations about what professionals use 3D printers for in their careers and can spark a passion in a student that lasts a lifetime.



STEAM Coding Robots

Taylor Atkins
The grant will purchase 4 Sphero SPRK robots for the Lexington STEAM classrooms to use in many projects. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. The STEAM framework uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math to teach students how to think critically, develop problem solving skills, be creative in their learning experience, and develop collaboration among peers as well as student to teacher collaboration.

Implementing a class robot, such as Sphero SPRK, is introducing coding concepts and apply practiced coding skills in a fun and creative way, as students program the Sphero to complete courses.



Reading In & Out of the Classroom

Tara Micheletto
The grant will purchase a classroom set of Scholastic StoryWorks Jr. magazine for a third-grade classroom at Lexington Elementary.  Students will receive 6 full-size issues of the grade-level appropriate magazines covering both fiction and non-fiction concepts and standards.

The magazine also integrates digital supplements with videos, slide shows, and read-alouds to incorporate more technology experiences with the students. Following reading lessons and discussion of the magazine, the students will be able to take them home to read and discuss with their families.

Incorporating high-interest magazines, as well as encouraging and promoting more reading at home, the magazines will be used as a tool to increase the reading proficiency among students.




Building Awareness of Our World

Tammy Trafelet
The grant will purchase a subscription to Scholastic SCOPE Magazine to provide our at-risk population access to lessons that; -are relevant and pertain to current world events-encourage exploration and discussion-increase understanding and appreciation for cultural similarities and differences-reinforce and align with State ELA Standards The goal is to increase student proficiency in the four domains of Literacy (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening), while building cultural awareness.

Our English Learners (ELs) are required to take a yearly state language assessment, which tests their skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The SCOPE magazine will provide opportunities to further enhance student literacy skills in all four domains, while exploring real world events.




Clothing for Kids  

Nicole Nickel
This grant will provide students with clothing (underclothes, leggings) when they soil their clothes without having to send them home. Many times, girls come in and need under clothes and pants due to their menstrual cycle. Schools are not allowed to accept used underclothes clothing, currently there is no good way to help these students.



Hilander's Literacy Center (Pre-School)

Michelle Mahitka
The grant will help offset the cost of offering KHS students wishing to obtain knowledge in the early childhood education and child development via a Careers in Childcare course. The goal is to add a lab portion (Hilander's Preschool) to the current courses offered at Kelso High School.  Students will get hands-on experience and application of the concepts and ideology taught in class.

Students will receive instruction on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays by the high school teacher and then be joined on Tuesdays and Thursdays with preschool students in the classroom for the lab portion of instruction. Students will learn the different stages of development, developmentally appropriate practices, positive guidance, social/emotional development of students ages 0-8.



Scholastic Action Magazine

Karen Krieder
The grant will purchase Scholastic Action Magazines for students who have been identified as ELLs (English Language Learners) enrolled in a Language Arts class designed to help them strengthen their English language speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. This class is designed to help ELL students develop their academic language skills and confidence with the English language.

The monthly publication contains a variety of high-interest short fiction stories and a range of informational texts that address topics of interest to teen readers. Each issue of Action is supported by online resources that can be used for classroom instruction including Common Core aligned assignments, grammar skills, audio support, video clips, and supplementary online-only articles/activities that the teacher may use to meet the needs of students who are ready for additional challenge.

Action magazine will be used as a supplement to the National Geographic Edge textbook series that has been adopted by the Kelso School District. One unique feature of Action magazine that will benefit this 9-12 population is that most of the articles are published at multiple levels of difficulty; this feature will allow staff to differentiate instruction to meet students’ individual learning needs.



Wobble Chairs

Shannon Quintano
The grant will purchase wobble chairs for our special program students. Research confirms that physical movement enhances the learning process. Students who are given seating options enjoy many benefits, including more on-task behavior, greater productivity, increased motivation, and engagement. They show sense of responsibility and cooperation in the classroom.

Flexible seating also has important health benefits. The wobble chairs allow students to move as they work -- leaning, rocking, bouncing, wobbling, or standing. This increases oxygen flow to the brain. Students are more alert and focused for learning. Simply put, when the body is active, the brain is active. Sensory chairs are designed to give these children movement opportunities that are safer and less distracting.




Denise Miles-Foges
Approximately 56% of KHS students fall into the Free and Reduced category. This means the supplies they need for school cannot always be purchased. One item most students need for school is a scientific calculator. The library has had a classroom supply of calculators for students to check out. These calculators are several years old and have been used so often, that they need to be replaced due to broken calculators or missing calculators.



“GoFormative for High School Math”

Jennifer Hamilton
The Algebra-II teachers have used Formative for 2 years.  GoFormative allow them to make their content into an interactive and virtual system.  The students access the practice work, quizzes, tests, entry/exit tasks that we make through their google classroom.



“Nearpod for Distant Learners”

Jack Smale
During the distance learning (and upcoming hybrid) period, student engagement has proven essential as educators build community and assess the progress/understanding of our scholars. Nearpod is a learning platform which achieves this outcome by transforming traditional teaching tools (like PowerPoints and videos) into interactive experiences for students.

In a Nearpod lesson, teachers can add media like virtual reality, simulations, and a variety of other participatory exercises to enhance learning; all while receiving real-time reports to help them plan my instruction that day or in the future.



“Scholastic Action Students”

Karen Krieder
Students who have been identified as ELLs (English Language Learners) are enrolled in a Language Arts class that is specially designed to help them strengthen their English language speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills while earning a Language Arts credit. Scholastic Action contains a variety of high-interest short fiction stories and a range of informational texts that address topics of interest to teen readers.

Each issue of Action is supported by online resources that can be used for classroom instruction including Common Core aligned assignments, grammar skills, audio support, video clips, and supplementary online-only articles/activities that the teacher may use to meet the needs of students who are ready for additional challenge.



Chrome Tablets for Kelso Leadership

Justin Roberts
The goal of the grant is to purchase a Chrome tablet for students to continue to film and stream various events at Kelso HS with Leaderships own technology. Up to this point Leadership & Varsity K students have borrowed iPads from sports programs or even personal property to fill this void. Purchasing their own tablet would allow them to have a school log in on the district network and not require us to rely on others to provide the streaming equipment.

Future uses will be for filming and creating digital media for our social media platforms, display screens in building, and live events. Students will learn to use software programs to create videos and still frames for advertising of student events and information.



SLC Grows Green

Tricia Martin
The grant will purchase a 5-tier vertical planter and seeds for a growing project to be implemented in a structured learning classroom for Special Ed/SLC students at KHS. The goal of the project will be to teach these students, many who come from low income or homeless environments, how to grow, care for, harvest, and prepare fresh greens and fruits. The project is designed to encourage healthier eating habits and a teach lifelong skill.

Kelso Virtual Academy



Books for KVA Kids

Gianna Curry
The grant will purchase scholastic books for students to choose from throughout the year. This will encourage literacy while students work from a distance. This will also help engender positive feelings toward reading because they are given books of their own to enjoy.

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