The Kelso High School Class of 2023 was awarded 95 Scholarships totaling over $161,600. Donate NOW

We are KELSO!

Your gift will pay rich dividends by making a difference in the lives of future generations.

You'll Provide
A Better Future

By providing scholarship funds, you enable deserving students to continue their education.

By contributing to the Kelso Public Schools Foundation, you help make grants available to Kelso School District staff and employees for innovative projects that impact student learning.

By providing opportunities for students, you can assist a student in becoming a contributing member of society.

We gratefully accept :

Honor Gift Contributions

May honor a friend, colleague or loved one and/or a special event such as a birthday, graduation, anniversary or retirement.

Cash Donations

Monthly contributions may be designated for immediate use as a specific purpose or to increase the investment base.

Corporate Gifts

Businesses may give directly to the Foundation or may match donor contributions.


A fund may be created to set aside a portion of an estate to be managed by the Foundation or designated trustee(s). Funds may become income for your beneficiaries and the Foundation.

Memorial Gift Contributions

May be given in memory of a friend, colleague or loved one.

Gifts Tangible

items such as real estate, jewelry, herilooms and/or art.

Life Insurance Policy

May be signed over to the Foundation, or policies may be written designating the Foundation as beneficiary and owner.


This could include money, real or personal property, or a percentage of an estate. Bequests may specify use of the funds. Residuary bequests can be made with the balance of an estate. Memorials in honor of a deceased person.

Ways To Donate
At No Extra Cost

By contributing to the Kelso Public Schools Foundation, you help make grants available to Kelso School District staff and employees for innovative projects that impact student learning.
Once logged into your Fred Meyer account, search for Kelso Public Schools Foundation and click to enroll. This is a programed sponsored by FM as a benefit to non-profit charities, at no cost to you. If you are a new user you can add KPSF at the time you sign up.

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